The Irony of Runnymede
Spiked have been running an excellent series of articles and held a fantastic talk in the run up to the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta. The video of the talk is well worth your time to watch, and I’d...
View ArticleYet another Facebook contender
I meant to write about the problems with Facebook alternatives quite a while back, as there are many many problems with Facebook (and indeed all social media platforms) but so far no platform addresses...
View ArticleDrawing the line
Just a quick plug for Draw the line here a cartoon book from English Pen in support of the families of those that died in the Charlie Hebdo shootings. “Profits from the sale of this book will be split...
View ArticleMillion mask march
So I gather from the news that Anonymous are back in Trafalgar Square having some sort of anti-capitalist shindig. Whilst the million mask web site suggests it had something to do with freedom of...
View ArticleInsanity prevails
I will get round to muttering about more high-profile vents in due course (probably, unless I don’t) but mean time a slow burning bit of insanity that I’ve muttered about before continues. It seems...
View ArticleThis is it boys, this is war
Yesterday our parliament had a rather long debate on if we should extend our bombing operations in Iraq into Syria to join the multinational effort to tackle Da’esh. There’s been an awful lot said...
View ArticleA year since the Charlie Hebdo attack
Today is a year since the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris and the murder of some of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, as well as related attacks on a kosher supermarket. A year down the line...
View ArticleOh the humanity
I recently stumbled across this article, proving yet again that with the SJW brigade the only way to win is not to play their game. Sadly it seems the makers of Cards Against Humanity, a game I’m...
View ArticleReasons to vote Brexit – 1, 2, 3
With apologies to the late, great Ian Dury for the title, I thought I might lay out why I’m in favour of leaving the EU as a matter of record and with no hope nor intention of trying to convince anyone...
View ArticleThree excellent post #Brexit posts
I’m still organizing my thoughts about the result of the EU referendum, particularly in the face of all of the vitriol and anti-democratic bile currently coming from those that voted to remain (so much...
View ArticleVirtue signalling in progress
In the wake of the Brexit referendum there has been a significant increase in virtue signalling. Detailed statistics are currently unavailable, but significant increase in virtue signalling have been...
View ArticleBBC Van Scam
There has been a bit of a furor of late due to a leaked report about how the BBC plan to capture those heinous people who watch iPlayer without a TV license. This has raised the question of BBC...
View ArticleWenlocks ever watchful eye
The London Olympics may be long gone, but the legislation lingers on. Now many of would thing that a word that was invented in ancient Greece might not be subject to copyright, but we’d be wrong. It...
View ArticleWhen is a tutu like a burkini?
There has been quite a lot of talk about the French ban on the “Burkini” in recent weeks thankfully it has for now been ruled illegal. There have also been comparisons with rules in other countries...
View ArticleTrumped up technobabble
I wouldn’t normally comment on things geeky or for that matter on foreign political affairs, some might say I don’t normally comment on anything much, however I was recently linked to an article which...
View ArticleNever let a good crisis go to waste
It’s been a terribly busy year in politics in the UK, and whilst we’ve all been busy worrying about Brexit and the US elections our glorious masters have been quietly getting on with business. Doing...
View ArticleA Rambling observation on recent events
A new president of the United States of America has just taken office, and this event seems to have caused some people to lose the plot. I can understand why many people are worried about the actions...
View ArticleRegistering with the Raw Tobacco Scheme II
A little while back the HMRC introduced the Raw Tobacco Scheme, and I as a keen gardener and law abiding citizen duly applied to register with them. Today a charming lady from HMRC gave me a call to...
View ArticleNow they want to talk…
The problem with talking about the general tone of media and the people you interact with is it’s very hard to provide references and evidence and all that sort of thing I generally like to do. However...
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